Sunday, December 13, 2009

Secret Santa

Secret Santa brought the holiday spirit back. The Show starts of with Erin being horrified by her "Secret Santa" gifts. Andy is literally giving Erin the full Twelve Days of Christmas presents taken from the carol. Dwight also has a Secret Santa, but instead he just receives pieces of his present one by one. At first he thinks that it's a gun, even though he glued and taped some parts together. In the end, it's a hand nut cracker, and Dwight soon realizes all the magical wonders that he can do with this artifact. Oscar Martinez, being gay, has a crush on the new warehouse guy. However, he doesn't have the courage to talk to him. So instead, Pam introduces them to each other. The conversation goes swell, however he messes up his name when the say good bye, but he tells Pam that he knows what he's doing, and that he's got it under control.
The main plot of the episode is that Phyllis was allowed to be santa of the office by Jim. However, Mike storms in in a santa costume, and is clearly furious. He complains of how could you let a women be santa claus and so on. He gets so furious that he dresses up as Jesus and comments on everyone's gifts. On the flipside, we find out that Dundermifflin will be safe under the companies bankruptcy. Just the lead executors, and the main bosses are fired, which means new spots are open for next years cast. There's only one more episode left of the season, so please tune in Thursday 8:00 P.M.

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